Entries by Contributor

5 Ways to Enhance Donor Trust Through Nonprofit Web Design

All industries face threats from cyberattacks, but the nonprofit sector is particularly at risk. Research shows that nonprofits are the second most targeted sector by cyber criminals. Plus, 70% of NGOs aren’t sure or do not think they have adequate resilience to recover from a cyberattack. We don’t share this information to scare you. On […]

5 Tips to Involve Association Members in Fundraising

Your association may host fundraising events and campaigns to support your internal operations or generate donations for a nonprofit cause. These initiatives might be crowdfunding campaigns, community events, clothing drives, or other fundraisers. No matter the fundraising campaign type, you’ll need your members’ support to succeed. Busy schedules or lack of fundraising experience can present […]

3 Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Nonprofit’s Donation Page

Picture this: A new supporter has landed on your nonprofit’s website. Eager to learn more about your cause, they scroll through your homepage and discover that they want to support your mission. However, after searching tirelessly through your website, they’re unable to find your donation page and click away to support another organization instead. Your […]

Tasty Food Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money for Schools

Engaging young kids in a school fundraiser requires creativity, and what’s a better attention-getter than tasty snacks? When thinking through your fundraising options, choose a strategy that will get your students, their parents, and their social circles excited about raising money for your school. Food fundraisers are a delicious way to start! We’ll look at […]