Text: "Tasty Food Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money for Your School" over a picture of a school bake sale in the summer.

Tasty Food Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money for Schools

Engaging young kids in a school fundraiser requires creativity, and what’s a better attention-getter than tasty snacks? When thinking through your fundraising options, choose a strategy that will get your students, their parents, and their social circles excited about raising money for your school. Food fundraisers are a delicious way to start! We’ll look at […]

In this post, you’ll get four fresh ideas for boosting nonprofit donations.

4 Fresh Ideas for Boosting Nonprofit Donations

As a nonprofit professional, you know that you can’t just rely on the same old fundraising strategies year after year. Doing so drains the excitement and passion out of your employees’ work and disengages your donors and volunteers.  Instead, you should be open to mixing things up, because effective fundraising demands consistent innovation and experimentation.  […]

Crowd101 showcases the power of employer appends for fundraising.

Power Up Your Fundraising Campaign With Employer Appends

Imagine there’s a magic wand you could wave and automatically double your nonprofit’s donation revenue. Wouldn’t you use it? Now, what if I told you that magic wand exists. It’s called matching gifts, which you can discover through employer appends. Employer appends empower your nonprofit to use corporate matching gifts to drastically increase your fundraising […]

Using Google Ad Grants to Get Your Message Out

Google Ad Grants provide nonprofits the invaluable opportunity to reach a large audience at no cost at all. These grants are especially useful if your organization’s mission is heavily searched for online and you have a well-established website that reflects said mission. Data supports the importance of having an optimized website: 75% of young donors […]

5 Creative Ways to Raise a Crowd With Direct Mail Appeals

Direct mail is too often pushed to the wayside in a primarily digital world. With the right strategy, it can have a substantial impact on your support base.