Entries by Crowd101

5 Tips for Creating Engaging Event Content and Programming

Nonprofit event organizers dedicate their time to planning and executing events that will push their organizations’ goals forward, such as educating attendees about their cause, raising funds, or fostering networking opportunities among industry professionals. To make your event a success, you must properly engage your attendees and hold their attention. If not, it will be […]

4 Reasons to Update Your Predictive Fundraising Models

Nonprofit data analysis can be a highly effective way to drive better fundraising results, but only when it’s treated as an ongoing process. Your organization will be able to achieve the best outcomes when you update your predictive fundraising models to adapt to internal and external changes. BWF defines fundraising predictive analysis as “the process […]

6 Stakeholders to Engage in Nonprofit Strategic Planning

At any given time, your nonprofit has several goals and priorities to consider—whether that’s launching a new program or incorporating more sustainable fundraising initiatives into your strategy. As time goes on and circumstances shift, you need to have a strategic plan in place to keep your team on track. Engaging a variety of stakeholders in your strategic […]

5 Key Steps for Effective Nonprofit Volunteer Training

Effective and productive volunteers are the fuel that keeps nonprofit organizations thriving. Recruiting volunteers is critical, but it’s also important to teach them the skills they will need to succeed. Volunteers carry out numerous tasks that provide value to nonprofits, with the latest value of a volunteer hour estimated at $31.80, according to the Independent Sector’s […]