Follow along for five helpful tips to make your nonprofit website more accessible.

5 Tips for Improving Website Navigation and Accessibility

As a nonprofit professional, your days are likely spent brainstorming new ways to increase donations and support your beneficiaries and community. While this may entail innovative fundraising ideas and program development, there are also internal ways to sustain your nonprofit’s operations. Your website is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal for rallying […]

Main steps to maximize corporate giving avenues for your org

7 Steps to Maximize Corporate Giving Avenues for Your Org

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, are you familiar with the idea of corporate philanthropy? Do you understand how corporate revenue can significantly impact your organization’s fundraising strategy? And if so, do you have a plan in place to maximize corporate giving avenues (such as matching gifts, volunteer grants, and more) and collect maximal funding for […]

Exploring Matching Gift Web Strategies at Top P2P Events

Exploring Matching Gift Web Strategies at Top P2P Events

Tons of nonprofits host peer-to-peer fundraising initiatives, and many organizations collect a substantial percentage of their annual revenue through these events. In order to see the types of results that they do, P2P fundraising groups typically put a lot of time and effort into developing their marketing presence beforehand. And today, an increasing number of […]

Woman smiling and looking at phone in her hand

4 Unique Text Fundraising Campaign Ideas To Boost Support

With people spending more time on their phones, running a text fundraising campaign is a great idea to raise some serious funds. This can be a stand-alone campaign or easily paired with one of your existing fundraisers to maximize success. However you incorporate text fundraising, you can be sure that you’ll improve your nonprofit’s reach […]

Learn four best practices for nonprofit donor communication in this guide.

4 Best Practices for Nonprofit Donor Communication

Most nonprofits receive funding from a variety of sources, including grants, investments, event revenue, and corporate sponsorships. But the bulk of nonprofit revenue comes from individual donations, which is why your organization likely spends more time working to bring in these contributions than any other type of funding. Supporters are most likely to donate when […]